Monday, February 27, 2006

Importance of meeting


It was a little cold in delhi today due to overcast and i don't remember seeing sun today. Being a weekend, I was late to get out of my bed .BTW cut this crap.This entry is dedicated to listing how important meeting have a role to play in our lives.
We all would have attended meeting at our workplaces either official or unofficial. and more often than less, we would have tagged them as a simple waste of our time .But here are some of the points which most of us ignore about meeting which make them all the more important in our lives(not just work).

1. Meetings are the place wheer you can sit back, relax and don't do anything right in front of your boss.This is one spot where you do exactly as your boss does for the rest of the day.'Feel like Boss'
2. Meetings gives you a chance to think on all the topics which you would otherwise wouldn't even have dreamt of .I remember once discussing door knobs in a meeting.Meetings help you get insight on such wide and ravishing topics like "How to change stepney of your car!","Managing demands of your kidz!". It is a source of immense learning and you can become a true master if you are sincere & regular towards meeting.
3. Meetings are a battle grounds for deciding whats new, whats hot and whats next place to be for your team lunch/party/dinner/outing.People contribute with there personal experience about various restaurants,food joints,cuisines etc.All these places that are discussed are the most expensive places of the town and you will never prefer to host your party there.
4. Meetings are another place where you can gossip about your colleagues(as if you don't do this at your work stations.)But no matter how m,uch you gossip there is always a scope of some more
5. I presonally prefer to utilise my meeting for introspection.For ex., in my last meeting, when one of the guy was detailing the group about his findings on some issue of image conversion and I was looking at the carpet, I noticed that my shoes have got cushions which can be added or removed to adjust size.You see I have been wearing them for last two years anf had it not been this meeting I would ne'er had came to know about this thing.

Chalo i will stop balbbering now and will go to sleep .Subah meeting main jaana hain.On a second thought , I can sleep in meeting as well (provided you are not seen by anyone and you don't snore )

Monday, February 20, 2006

Nothing is certain but death and Taxes


It is end of financial year time for the world's greatest democracy and people of the service class are running after tax consultant to make there annual savings to save some tax.Here are some quotes of famous personalities who have suffered like u and me at the hands of IT.

Certainity?In this world nothing is certain but death and Taxes - Benjamin Franklin

The Only difference betwen taxman and taxidermist is that The taxidermist leaves the skin - Mark twain

When there is income tax, the just man will pay more and teh unjust man wil pay less on the same income - Plato

The Point to remember is that what the goverment gives it must first take away - John Coleman

Taxes Grow without rain - Jewish Proverb

There is no such thing as good Taxes - Winston Churchill

The only thing common in different kind of taxes at different places is suffering - HEHE

What u buy and pay is price ;what u pay without buying is Tax - HEHE

that is from my side .. i''m currently in the process of calculating what i wil be getting in the name of salary .. whther it qualitfies for the min transaction amount of my bank .I will also be reading a book "How to manage life without salary" by sant nirasaram bapu


Thursday, February 09, 2006

Life as it is ...(a thought)

Hey ,

Long time since i have scribbled something here. I have been planning to write about lot of things that have been happening in and around me but just could not .Not that I have been busy like the PM of my country but I was simply not able to write down my thoughts on paper. I wud always thought of updating my blog on saturday night but by the time I reach to my computer at home, I got so tired that I just could not thought of writing anything . I will login, access this URL and shutdown the system.

Ever since I had started working and moved out of delhi ,I have been trying to find out a solution to a puzzle called life. I tried reading books which provide an insight to life and way to live it ideally, talking/listening to people who have grown up doing the same, observing things(which are in zone of direct reference for me) changing also those that are not. Looking for signs which are meant for me( which are a way for God to communicate with me) , listening to my soul .

But the more I try to find out about life, the more entangled it gets.At best I can summarize life is "It is a mess and we all are in it.Each one of us has to clean up his share of the mess before it is too late and life bids us farewell"

But coming back to the original question, what exactly is life? how can u define it? what is that makes us different .. different from other organisms, other human beings ,other individuals that you find in your workplace/road/bus etc.? and finally how important is money for this life and how much money is sufficient to earn so that one need not worry for rest of your life?so that you can concentrate on other spiritual and social stuff for the betterment of you and your lovings' lives. And ofcourse the ultimate truth of life , something no one can evade, our destiny , the great unification of soul in the large soul pool of this universe,better known as death.

Life starts much before we come to this world as a new born.Once we are born, we start interacting with people, using all kinds of way possible(even before we learn to speak, we are able to communicate our needs).As time passes, we grow up and so does our needs.We mature, understand people around us, understand the rules that society has laid around us, recognise our requirements, judge things happening around us ,try to accumulate things which we feel will give us pleasure in life, knit a web of people we like around us ( so that we feel secure and happy). When we start working, we feel great.It seems to be a whole new world for us. With steel in our heart to take on the world, we start on our careerpath. We give our heart and soul for the job we do.To climb up the heirarchy ladder we spent sleepless nights in office, work even when at home , stop visiting our friends and relatives and much more .We consider being in office party as cool and the reciprocate we feel when we end up spending the entire weekend at home with our family. Our efforts at office are rewarded.We get bonus,pay hike, higher job rank and sometimes even a chance to go abroad and earn more. This makes us put more effort in the responsibility assigned to us. We decide that we can spare sometime from our personal time and devote more time on our jobs.Since, god has made only 24 hrs in a day and we want more time for our work related activities and this comes from our time we had marked to spend with our family.The time that we had reserved for having dinner with them, for talking with them, asking them how they are doing, what's going on around them, what is the new thing they have witnessed etc ...But all these things remain in our heart.We end up storing so much in our heart that it becomes a burden for us to carry.People say you are a kid when they hear talking to ur parents about new jeans u have bought. But these so called kiddish things actually brings u closer. Even when the physical distance is astronomical, talking to your parents and discussing them wht u cooked yesterday will leave a feeling that can be described in words.

Oh BTW,with the higher sal cheque that u get , u keep on accumulating things u like more and feel that they will bring more happiness to your life.An expensive camera phone,a laptop, a hi-fi music system with 32 cd changer, a plasma tv and so on.But by now we are totally isolated.You don't visit your relatives nor does they do.You don't have many friendz left whom you are talking to .Your entire circle of known people shrinks to you and at the most your spouse.Now you are a happy man with your small family and a good job.But for a second just assume that you come to know that you will die in about 1 week.All your plans for future,about a bigger house,a better car,the new cell phone in the market and meeting with the clients, no longer seem to carry the weightage they had been so far. When you look back, what you see is just a mad rush, an endless sprint to catch one thing after another .On your way we stepped on lot of people,pushed our colleagues and grabbed whatever we could and tagged it as our achievement.But now, with your extinction in sight, these so-called achievements are no longer a source of joy for you.Now the question arises how can man achieve eternal happiness?Sorry dude, I am still not aware of this and am myself searching for it.In case I am able to find it out in this life, i will post it.

One thing I would like to mention is that we fail to understand we were alive in this world when we didnt had these luxury things and infact we were more happy. Everynight, we would be waiting for father to return home from office.We will run to him and grab his briefcase.We will chat about how the school was and what we learned today. We will have dinner together and then the bedtime story before we fell asleep all satisfied(dreaming that one day we will grow up and go to office like dad and be happy as he is).

As far as the money is concerned, it is a good thing.But alongwith it comes greed and jealousy which is the root for all the other problems.Money is required for you to live, to help others but the urge to get richer then others just to feel better or to show them that you are more well off spawns all the problems.Money is useless without us.It do not have any value ,it can't grow like a tree, it can't walk like animals, it can't be eaten.All the value it has got is because we have given it so much of importance for all the wrong reasons.(I must admit I am one among you).To tell you an example.when I was a student, a salary of 10k pm was my dream salary and I thought I would be happy if I geta job that will help me earn this amount.Now, I may be earning twice or three times or probably more than my dream salary but still I am not able to feel that sense of achievement in myself.

All I can summarize (from whatever I have come to know) is Life is sweet,cute,beautiful,at times sad but at the same time short.So try to enjoy it to the max as if there is no tomorrow. Work hard for your success but not at the cost of your loved ones.This reminds me of a person who used to say"I can get a better job but not a better family".The idea is not to demotivate you from your work but we need to strike a balance to get a life which we can remember , which others can remember and which can be a source of happiness to others.
