Monday, September 10, 2018

Lessons of Love(LOL)

Entertaining Speaker - Speaking after dinner


Fellow Toastmasters from all over the amsterdam, I would like to use the few mins of your life to talk about my love. My love for last 15 years. It is not a real person. Or a dog. The love I want to introduce you to is coffee. With every sip that I drink, with every cup I had prepared, our bond has only got stronger. The heat of time and situation has only grown our love stronger much like coffee itself, the more you boil it, the stronger it gets.

It all started as a simple experiment when I was sitting at home and my sister showed me the new instant coffee brand in India. You can make coffee in 2 mins now. I had never tried it before so I did and did not liked it much. Days months and years went by. We never met each other for a long time. Until I landed here in The Netherlands.
It was cold. Wind was so strong that my left ear was touching my mouth and my mouth was touching my right ear. And how can rain be left behind. There I was in my T shirt just landed from 40degrees. The only solution that stuck me was to get something warm to drink to keep the cold away. I ordered coffee. A latte with extra cream. And there it was. Our paths crossed again to be never part again. This time when it touched my lips, I knew immediately there was a connection. From that day to this day, we have been in love. Like participants in true love, we admire each other, we like each other AND help each other without expecting anything in return. What spirituality calls SELFLESS LOVE. Whenever coffee is feeling lazy & lonely, I help her out of the capsules or packets and let her free. And when I am feeling tired or low, she has always rejuveniated me with her aroma and warmth.

Our long lasting love story has three important characteristics or lessons of love or LOL that I would like to share with you all.

1. Freshness
2. Never ending Fascination
3. Loyalty, honesty and Trust

1. Keep it fresh. Beans/capsules. 
- different flavours/variety : cappuccino, machiato, latte, mocha.  Variety is secret ingredient .. it is like the "lemon juice in paella" or "coriander in butter chicken" which no one can see but leaves a signature in the taste. And if it is not there, then it is the same feeling as you have when sitting on a cycle seat for 4 hours without getting down. It is there and is useful but it hurts as well.
- Small acts of love towards each other every day always help to keep the fragrance in the relationshiop. like dropping a sugar cube in the coffee, adding milk with extra creamer (but low fat) or on a hot summer day, two ice cubes to cool her down a bit never go unnoticed.
Monotonity or taking each other for granted should be avoided.

2. Partner : Still continues to fascinate each other. From its history to its political/religious connection to its contribution to present day technology.
- Coffee was discovered by accident by an Ethiopian farmer who found some of its goats were more active than the others and they were eating coffee beans.
- Word comes from arabic which means "Wine of the beans

- Kopi Luwak  most expensive coffee. Beans partially digested and defecated by Civets  a mammal found in tropical weather of indonesia.

- Espresso is regulated by italian govt as it is essential part of the day.
- Church in 16 century approved of coffee drinking

- First webcam was invented in cambridge university to let people know if coffee pot was empty or not
- JAVA .. named after coffee.
Coffee is one thread which runs across different regions, religions, cultures, time zones, generations and genders. Vote for Coffee to be the Time personality of 2018.

3. Loyalty, honesty & Trust : Do you know 80% of married men cheat in America. The remaining 20% cheat in europe.
 Loyalty, honesty & Trust are the three pillars on which all historical love stories stand. Romeo juliet, In any relationship. there are ups and downs, highs and lows or in TM terms .. speeches and evaluations. But that is what makes the relationship complete.  Accept someone as it is. Coffee also has its effects. Too much coffee can be harmful. Brewing coffee & POT can have its effects. But that does not mean I will start drinking tea. Even if I am at a station at 1100PM and it is cold and so windy that my left ear is touching my right ear. And I walk towards a kiosk and ask for my favourite .. Coffee. If the person behind the bar responds negatively, I do not decide to go for tea instead. No. I am loyal to my coffee and we like it that way. Relations expect and deserves hard work. It is not investment. It is a way to show you care and value the other.  You need identifying beans, roasting them, grinding them, brewing the coffee. the water the temperature the time. Only then a perfect coffee is ready.

Before my speech drags longer and starts challenging the BREXIT timelines, I would like to conclude by saying : Next time when you see someone savouring their coffee do spare a moment for your loved ones. Think about how you can do something which will bring happiness to them, make them feel special. And that do vote for coffee for the time personality of 2018.
During the past 10 mins, if some of you had reached for your coffee, I will take that more of inspiration from my speech and not the boredom of it.