Friday, June 24, 2005



I am back from a short- sweet- hot vacation .Things look different once you come back from vacation.Short for it was only 8 days,hot for it was boiling hot there .. temperature touching 43-45 .. moving out in sun was something that required a lot of courage and metal in you(otherwise u wud melt ;)).
Vacation was too hectic and was well jammed with lots of activities .. roaming around , visiting relatives, getting my car reparied(which otherwise is not even touched), catching up with old and new friends, celebrating my bday,visiting haridwar for a couple of days , having a bath in cold Ganges (with scorching sun shining directly over your head) , njoying home made food ,doing some bird watching (;)) the list continues on and on but the crux of all is had "fun". It reminds me you do not feel like going to vacation or rather you dont feel the importance of a vacation until you have one and come back.It relieves your thought from junk things or to put it in a Computer jargon .. it performs garbage collection in your mind and frees up memory. ( a bad one i know);) But the message is clear, you feel better (even though i had a tough time remembering what all I was doing before I left for vacation) . Another advantage is you get to see new places,people and cultures which are otherwises not even existent for us.
What I mean .. how many of times we change the route to work in regular intervals? Most of us take the same 1-2 route to work and a deviation from the regular route makes us malaise. The reason is humans are by nature to resistant to change and in our daily routine we usually do not welcome them.We are settled in our own comfortable routines and assumes ourselves that we are too busy and are already exhausted by what we are doing.This is just our perception and the beauty is each one of us is under this impression and the bottomline is we all are lacking , some way or the other, time-management for us and our activities.
Well enough of crap will stop here

Now back in banglore with my job and office .. nothing much changed here and hectic life .. no time for anything ;)

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Home coming

Hey it is thursday today and same time tomorrow I will be air bound heading for my home in delhi .. a vacation after 8 months of continuous stay in Banglore ... going home is as always exciting and fills u with all the energy ... going home .. no work .. no office .. no junk .. meeting family - parents,sisters ,relatives,friends .. roaming around ... eating mom's delicacies ... man the list is endless .. and the best part is the royal treatment you get when you go home can 't be explained in words .. it is something u can feel on your own and njoy ....
Though my vacation is short I have jam packed so that I dont waste even a single minute of it and what more will be going from delhi to haridwar ... i tell u that is a great place to go especially in summers with hot sun shining brightly and taking a dip in ganges is a amazing experience ... and you feel more hunger once you are out of waters ... well I have been waiting to be there for a long time now .Last time i went was probably 2 years back and it is now .. well lets see how much has it changed in terms of place ...
For delhi my plan is to visit my relatives , try to meet college friends whom I haven't met for a long time now .. well that is it ... that will be all before I willl be again starting back
oh yes I missed .. got to do lot of shopping as well the list seems to be longer than anytime before and would be taking every penny I had saved so far to buy it but no worries I had saved for this purpose only .
Chalo yaar now have to go .. need to pack my stuff(more importantly need to identify my stuff first ;)) and get my gear ready for the journey ... but some how I feel that I dont want to come back here again .. but it had been everytime I have been in delhi so no change in that status

take care and cu after vacation