Friday, March 25, 2005

Sadistic pleasure

Hey , yesterday I was talking to a teammate in US while chatting routine stuff, it came out of my mouth "so what are ur plans for the long weekend?" and he was taken a back ..
Him: "What long Weekend? "
Me: "You dont have an off on Friday?"
Him: "What is on Friday?" By this time I was amused.. I decided to play with him ...
I know this is not good behaviour to make fun of someone's stiuatios but come on u dont get such pleasures every day.. I got it once so let me have some fun from it.
Me: "Oh .. I thought u had break for Good Friday?"
Him : "Oracle Doesnt give off for Good Friday."
Me: "Probabaly but we have it for IDC "
Him : "Oh really?"
Me: "yes .. this will be a 3 day weekend"
Him: " Oh...that is great"
Me : "I thought u wud also be having the off for Good friday?"
Him : "No we dont have :(.So whats ur plan for weekend?" #tch tch
Me: "Well , I am planning to meet some old friends .. may go to watch cricket match going on between India-Pakistan.How abt u?" # the last question was irresistable for me.I knew that this bugger wud not be doing anything but ...
Him: "Nothing much.. some household routines.."
Me : "Ok .then see u on MOnday.have a nice weekend"
Him : "Ya u too .. bye"

Man I was delighted .I cud have imagined his facial expression changing when I told him the friday off news and abt the long weekend.

1 comment:

addytude said...

sadistic himanshu.