Tuesday, October 18, 2005

News Channel - what to say ?


third blog in the day ..man i dont have any work isnt it .. No it is not true .I have to study lot of things J2ee arch, Perl scripts, Shell scripts and ofcourse junit .But as the grate saying goes, in IT no matter what ur deadline is there is always time for a game of TT ;)

I actually wanted to post this long time back but the compu at my home (that big box which I used to proudly call computer in my college days) is down due to some hardware issues and hence this blog is delayed.

To start with we have our huge list of news channels which promise us to keep us uptodate with the truth no matter where it happens and when it happens.On one side if we compare the scenario some 15 years back when the only source for news was Doordarshan and what we used to hear was Govt biased version of all the events.People used to eagerly wait for the time when the news will be aired( probably 8:30 pm for hindi and 9:30 pm for english news)

Then came 2002 and with it we got a monsoon of news channels of all shapes and varities.These channels highlighted the difference independent media can make were considered as one of the great revolution in the field of mass media and communication.This gave people ready access to the news as it happened.But this was just the beginning.Then came its ugly face.With so many news channels sharing the same platform, the battle became stiff.Channels fought for exclusive rights for events to increase there TRPs.The channels started claiming openly that they were the first to air an event or report an happening.The insecurity has grown to this extent that in case one news channels changes its schedule of programs,all other follow it and they make sure that similar programs/chat shows are aired at same time.

The worst to happen is the airing of crime reporters/hadsaa/khabardaar kind of programs.These programs(rather horror shows) have a presenter which by face seems to be a serial killer .The way they narate incidents is even more scarier and spooky.The script they have is pathetic and is made in a way that you become suspicious about your neighbour as soon as you listen to it.Things like murder,rape,dacoit are just raw material for them; added some spice and they are ready to be aired .I watched one such episode and I was of the feeling that there is only crime happeneing everywhere.
The icing on cake is these shows are advertised in the news channel at prime time .You would be watching russian delegation visiting India.then a break and you happen to see that horrible person shouting with all his might "Bhooliyega mat aaj raat dekhna Mandir ka poojari bana shaitaan ka poojari " or some crap.

This gives an impression that cheap journalism is taking over the featured and rich news journalism and the point of worry is that is widespread on all channels.

Another feather in this cap is the news channel ,in the race to be ahead of the others in reporting any happening, resort to falsely reporting figures/facts to public.Numerous instances of such cases can be listed here
1) One news channel made a report that some 500 people died in the quake in a particular village whereas the complete population of the village was some 250 odd.
2) Another Newspaper had this on there front page
"Karthikeyan :"I was knocked out for 30 seconds and when I regained conciousness there was fire"
While the same guy had said he was unconcious for couple of seconds

Can't say what to trust and what not to .The better idea would be to listen to many news channels and then decide whether it is true or not

take care

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