Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Hobby and retierment

Humans grow, go to school , then to college, the illiterate ones for still higher education and finally they land up at some place which is like a cage, which has 3 1/2 walls enclosed,has an opening to enter but no way to exit,which claims that it develops you in more than dimension and that the more you are inside, the higher you will go . Yeah, it is also called as office cubicle by some people. For next 25-35 years we spend our time in these enclosures until we are old enough to do any good to our company and this is the time we are tagged as retiered and we are signedoff. We will be given the tag of "Retiered" . This is the time in our life when we ourselves after all the years of working that " we are no good to anyone anymomre" Add to it the age factor and the reduced ability to risk/try out new ventures. This all compound and graduallys we will lose faith in ourselves our strengths , our USPs . The orotund performance of yester years will seem like a dream , something that ne'er happened.

The one of the challenge before republic of India is "How to utilise this vast pool of talented and experience People ?"
Right now the retiered people constitute some 7% of total population. But in another 10 years this figure is expected to touch 14%.This is huge number and also an business oppurtunity with vast potential. If we are able to tap this great source to contribute to the Indian GDP, we will be

1) using the prodigious experience of these learned people which they had gained after all the years of working.

2) able to develop products which will be more sophisticated and error tolerant using the dextrity of these guys.

3) instilling a feeling of importance & contribution in them.

But the obvious question that arises is "how can we use experience of these people which is so varied to everone's benefit?"
One filed I can think f right away where these experienced people be employed is Teaching . These can be used to provide case studies from there working lives to teach future professionals what all should be expected by them in working environment and how to tackle situations that may arise.
Infact, the more I think about this idea, the more facinated I become. The Knowledge bank that can be generated will be one of valuable possession for the entire mankind.

But for those who are not getting retiered so soon, it will be a better idea to develop a hobby. Working on something for not earning a livelihood but still being passionate is one of the toughest thing to do but it is worth doing it. For you need to know something to work upon once you retire . It could be teaching , gardening, socialising, working for some NGO / social cause . The list is endless but the message is " Cultivate something in you which you can reap after you retire." Even if you have a handsome amount of money and you need not work for rest of your life, you still need to keep yourself occupied to keep your body ,sould and mind healthy and smart. And this is one of the easiest way to be so.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

recently i had read a very interesting article about something related to this.
Some Indian profession in one of the renowned US Univs has donen a thesis that helps figure out what to do with retired veterans. The answer - make them mentors. make them public advisors in their fields of specialization. Not liike a board of paid specialists. But, something like an old age home where youngsters with similar interests could go and talk...and get a legacy of knowledge.

sahi hai!