Saturday, February 24, 2007

Weekly Edition


This is saturday and I am still in office. Work load has been ascending for last 2-3 weeks but it was kind of enjoyable. I was liking the work with all the little things I am learning here and there. It has been so far a pleasure experience(leaving aside couple of incidences). That is it from my side.

Sensex has been fluctuating though out this week and so was the mercury in my office. But coming week should be more comfortable and cooler. By the way it is a saving time again. If you haven't done your investments, you don't have much of time left .The same is true with me. I don't know but everytime everywhere I find myself in direct competition with time and deadlines. It must have been an art which I have developed over all these years. No matter how much time I have to spare, I will always go down to the last hour,last minute & last second to complete my task.

Happened to see one of the demo videos launched by Apple for its new iPhone. It is truly amazing how they can catch the nerve of what people will like and revolutionise the market. Though others follow, but being first has its own sweetness.

I happen to come across a survey conducted by some Govt org. in India. The survey was to find out how much secure(financially) people in India are. The timeline for financial security was set at 1 year. The survey asked people what if there current source of income stops. Will they be able to survive with there current lifestyle for one complete year? Have they planned there investments to handle such a situation? Are there pockets deep enough to fund them for one year? The results they produced were startling. The survey was conducted in Rural and Urban india simultaneously and it was found that almost 70% people(not sure abt the exactness of this number but was definetly in this range) were not equipped to deal with any such situation. They were going on in life with the core accountancy assumption of Going concern . But the truth is life is not fair and unpredictable. It is better to plan for such circumstances now rather than repent at a later stage. What it also means that you should invest in such a way that even if stock market dips, you have other sources of income which can help you survive. How , I am myself not aware of but I am indeed looking for the answers to it. But one thing is sure, the mantra for tomorrow is not investment but it is diversification rather divestment of risk.
Such an approach may not give you very high returns but if done smartly, you should be able to reap handsome returns and that too with low risk


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