Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mission Istanbul


The clock placed at 52 & 22 N and 4&53 E is ticking 1:30 and am listening to the latest of the one of the most dephasing song sung so far in the hindi movies. The song is called "Tennu ghori kinne charaya..." from Singhh is kingggggggg. The song has a catchy tune and wording even though u may not humm it in front of your elders. I just finished the Movie "MIssion Istanbul" . I had decided not to watch this movie after reading review from Masand . But since I had nothing better to do in my life , I gathered the courage and decided to darken my night by watching this movie. But I had kept my expectation very low just to avoid post-movie suicide attempts. But after watching the movie, I am feeling better. It is not as bad a movie as mentioned by the editor. I agree there are few points which were in-appropriate but he is presenting a view to the people that even media can go evil and be a part of militancy. I think, Masand has taken that part personally. Probably Masand believes Media is still from Satyuga and there is no evil souls available in there army. The movie had couple of really stupid scenes like the movie with a soft drink punchline , a george bush look alike acting as US president making mockery of Bush and US as a whole , movie's storyline not providing enough support to the plot & climax fight between the good and the bad turns ugly but you can predict the result. But as a whole, I watched this movie on my laptop and I am happy with the time I spent in watching this movie. The movie is a action thriller with an innovative plot. But one should remember it is an Indian Action flick. So that itself sets your expectation correct. I would say it is a decent one time watch, if you are a movie buff you can watch it with out any repentance

now it is time to sleep

gud night

1 comment:

addytude said...

"Tennu ghori kinne charaya..."

I kind of like this song!
what say bhootni ke?