Monday, March 28, 2005

Geeta pravachan with Arabic backdrop

On recommendation of one of my close friends, I read a book .The title was "The Alchemist" Sounds familiar .. well it is a a famous book by Pauolo Coelho on man and how the ideal way to lead one's life .The Books (as many of u may beknowing) is about a young guy who has a dream of finding treaure .The boy had the courage to leave whatever he had earned to fulfill his dream and finally is able to satisfy it( after lots of ups & downs).The book was centered on the idea "Listen to your heart" .The character has been told that any human's heart is capable enough to interpret any situation provided you believe in it and listen to it.All you need to do is look out for omens and try to interpret them.Once interpretted work accordingly towards your goal.There is only one god ,one common language for all the humans souls.(irrespective of race,region etc.)

I dont know but at more than once place the book reminded me of Geeta's pravachan .. I mean the usual stuff work without wanting for the results.Dont know what more to write ...

Chalo will update more later

Friday, March 25, 2005

Sadistic pleasure

Hey , yesterday I was talking to a teammate in US while chatting routine stuff, it came out of my mouth "so what are ur plans for the long weekend?" and he was taken a back ..
Him: "What long Weekend? "
Me: "You dont have an off on Friday?"
Him: "What is on Friday?" By this time I was amused.. I decided to play with him ...
I know this is not good behaviour to make fun of someone's stiuatios but come on u dont get such pleasures every day.. I got it once so let me have some fun from it.
Me: "Oh .. I thought u had break for Good Friday?"
Him : "Oracle Doesnt give off for Good Friday."
Me: "Probabaly but we have it for IDC "
Him : "Oh really?"
Me: "yes .. this will be a 3 day weekend"
Him: " Oh...that is great"
Me : "I thought u wud also be having the off for Good friday?"
Him : "No we dont have :(.So whats ur plan for weekend?" #tch tch
Me: "Well , I am planning to meet some old friends .. may go to watch cricket match going on between India-Pakistan.How abt u?" # the last question was irresistable for me.I knew that this bugger wud not be doing anything but ...
Him: "Nothing much.. some household routines.."
Me : "Ok .then see u on MOnday.have a nice weekend"
Him : "Ya u too .. bye"

Man I was delighted .I cud have imagined his facial expression changing when I told him the friday off news and abt the long weekend.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Me Papillon

Hey ,

What I am going to describe is something which I was witnessing till a couple of dayys back(until my dear frnd came to my rescue)
To give u a backgrnd... I am Comp sc grad working in some IT firm in the Silicon valley of India,banglore.As I am basically from North, it is obvious not to have a social group here.This is not the case with me .. for every second guy is an outsider and no one knows many people here ... to tell u the truth .. I don't even know who my neighbour is or where he is working etc etc .and u can count on fingers the people I know here.
Yupz, so the crux is I dont know many people here .BTW, I forgot to tell u tht I am living with my roommates here who were also my classmates in college...
And both my roommates were outstationed for 2 weeks. I was home alone .. or u can say city alone ... And then I realized what it means to be alone ... Initially it was not much of a difference .. I woke up as usual, got ready .. went to temple .. had something to qualify it as breakfast.But slowly , something was creeping inside me .I was walking in my flat ..watching the walls .. going out in balcony trying to find some signs of existence on earth but in vain.It looked as if the complete world has gone on a vacation.I came inside the home looked here & there caught hold of something and remembered something else and kept it.Then I watched TV to kill some time and in that process I surfed channels from top to bottom twice without finding anything that may interest me ... .So with nothing to do I decided I will sleep for some time and then will proceed with the work I had marked for the weekend.
I woke up at arnd 12:00 noon by the noise at the Door.. it was my cook ..I checked the time and it was not even half of the day that had passed.I told him to cook something for me .it was only at that time I noticed that my first word since morning had finally found some air.. they had moved out from the custody of my toungue and were flowing in Air .Oh man , it was a huge relief .I felt as if something really heavy has moved out from my heart and I was feeling light and happy(how the sadness crept I cant really say)... For the first time in my life I learned an important thing ,for a person to survive and remain in a sane state,he shud talk- if no one is there talk to ur self .I immediately remembered Henri Charrier or better known as Papillon .. He was kept in a solitary confinement(where in no human was seen by him let alone the idea of speaking to anyone) for 2 years .This is more shabby than the capital punishment.. there a person dies only once .. here u will die every moment .. u dont know how to pass time .The results is that u will start getting depressed .. slowly u will start hating everything , You will stop admiring nature and one day when the barrier collapses, person suicides.

But for me I survived the 15 day ordeal and when my dear roommate(aka Raka) came back I was still in a sane condition and was able to talk to him just as the way I used to.on this gr8 occaion I would like extend my gratitude to My mom, Dad,my sisters,my cousins,my Tipsy(my pet),my friends,my room mates, meri punjab wali chachi ji , meri jalandhar waali mausi ji, mere canada waale uncle,chintu,bunty,pappu,muni,guriya,niku tiku,golu,shaalu .......


& this is how the cookie crumbles

Sunday, March 20, 2005

A Lot to write II - A team outing

Well Well Well .. the friday which all of us were awaiting for last two weeks came ... It was official .. we will be going for a team building exercise ... a working holiday .. a day away from my desktop .. a day to refresh yourself from the routine work ... a day to make new freinds (really there were a few people whom I didnt knew the name) .So here was it .. Friday morning .. I woke up at 6:30 AM thanks to my colleague (mahesh) who gave me a wake up call without which I would have ne'er made up to office . I reached office way to ealy from the usual and we started from there at around 8:30 for the resort.BTW I forgot , we were going to Wonder Valley resort( it is somewhere on Bannerghatta road , somewhere because I still dont know how to go there)...But the resort was gr8 ... right in the middle of barren land with some trees umbrelling the area ... a pond on one side to give the much required cool breeze in the sunny afternoon ... .The resort can be said as close to nature with 0 artificial constructions .
As part of team building exercise,we were divided into 5 groups .. we were to perform various activites and gain points .To begin with we named our Group "KHUFIA" the term being marketed by Pepsi foods but the concept was different "We find hidden talent"
We started with what can be called an Item number and that was really a makeover of any comedy serial coming nowadays in TV . The theme taken from any James Bond Movie( Mr bond accomponied by two gorgeous ladies) .. and later enacted by 3 guys .That was the real twist in the skit and was lauded by everyone.
After this we moved to the serious business of getting points for our group.The First activity was to catch baloon .. This may be termed as a mistake as the activity was not that rewarding and we didnt checked this fact before hand.Nevertheless we proceeded with the activity but managed only 3k points .Our next task was group skipping .. we had to make a group of 12 people skip the rope and that also together ... after all the technique analysis, strategy formation etc we still were not able to increase the count ."1 minute left " came the voice of Lata(who was co-ordinating this activity ).We gave it a final try and incidentally the best and we came out with 14 jumps ... that moved our scores to a huge 31k points and we were elated ... that was a huge jump and moral booster for us.But we were not going after games like crazy .. we were doing it a leisurely pace and were enjoying what ever we did...
There was another activity "Ladder climbing " for which the rules were wrongly stated to us and opted out from it.For the same activity the rules were relaxed for another group .The new rules turned out to be a cake walk for them and they finished it in less 30 min ...
Anyways, we moved to our third activity "The Catapult" ..we were suppose to make moving canon which would be used to throw ball at the enemy ... that was pretty interesting as I didnt remembered when I did such kinda activity before .. (probably at the time of my induction in Oracle when I had gone for team building).The activity was well handled by our team and there were not many surprises for us .. we had made a prototype design on paper and then went on to implement it ... so far so good ...
This was our final activity as we had by this time achieved what we had targetted for (in terms of points) .The final was to be a kinda signof session to summarise what has been done ,what was learned and how this will help us in our work ... and again a wittly scripted speech(thanks to all of us in the group) was delivered which bursted everyone into laughter

Well it was the end of friday and that is how the cookie crumbles...

BTW India Won the second test by defeating Pakistan by 193 runs .. India 1-0 up in the series ..Three Cheers Hip Hip Hurray !!! Hip Hip Hurray !!! Hip Hip Hurray!!!

Signing off

A lot to write - I Cricket Diplomacy

Hey sorry for no update for last 5 days .. the days were not that busy this time but I was a bit lazy in updating the blog....well so much to update
Cricket diplomacy

So here we go ...
Remember the Old time Adv ... a lady saying to jadeja .."Cricket Cricket Cricket .. it is so boring ..." well at times it becomes when it gains more importance than it actually deserves ... With the blind coverage of media, even a sneeze of pakistani fan off the field is captured and covered by camera just like the ton by yousuf youhana on the field, cricket is the news for today and for some time in near future.And how come our dear politicians(from both sides of border) let this oppurtunity go from there hand.It is no longer just a Cricket series between the two rivals, it is now a show of diplomacy from the two sides ... a way to show the world how much they are interested in teaming up with the other in sorting out the matters.Is it actually coming from heart of the two nations or was it just a gesture to impress Miss Rice on her maiden visit to the subcontinent .. well u ne'er know.But on thing is clear .. the people from both sides have the intentions. .. they want peace , they want growth and most importantly they do not want any more wars .The people who (at the behest of this series) got the oppurtunity to visit there birthplaces elated by the very fact that they had once played in those by lanes.
Well here is a message for our rulers .. if they really want to bridge the gap between two nations , then lets start from small ... lets us setup a committee ,with delegates from both the country, to identify the things which will be beneficial to both the countries ... like a Cotton & sugar export between the two nations and then move onto more co-operative things like a joint Olympic team and so forth.The rationale behind is that , the poison of hatred which had somehow got into our hearts should be removed in small steps if we want to really unite the two nations.I am not saying it is impossible .. not at all when the coutries like West & east germany can unite after World War or the European Union (where the countries have distinct cultures,languages & socio-economic interests) .. what I want to point is that we are no robots whose memory can be cleaned in no time... what we want is some time to forget the past and invest ourselves in mutual development programs to enhance the confidence level & trust among us.

Jai Hind

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Days are flying or what

Hey it is 10:40 as per my system watch and I am no way near going to my place .I was here by 10:00 AM and am still going strong .. the work is piling up on me ... with lots of pending tasks. .
couple of training to be completed before thursday,couple of reports to be submitted before thursday ... another couple of assignments ... the only question that comes to me at this hour after all this is "What the F*** is going on in my life?"
I came up not so early but decently on time as per my office environment, kept working for the best part of the day,hardly got any time to read any of my personal mail(i dont remember when I had peacefully read my personal mails last time) ... and still I am not able to gather where my day went or what i did that can I can tell to me lead ....

Ya but I learned a good thing a new programming paradigm AOP or as they translate Aspect oriented programming... I am still an unborn in the world of AOP but some how have a gut feeling that this may be thing to watch in the near future may be harbinger in the current world of Objects & classes .....
Would have loved to write more but cant ... need to finish off something before I can leave for the day and oh my need to come up real early tomorrow to attend a meeting

God save me from meetings please .. lets have a meeting to discuss this

signing off

Saturday, March 12, 2005


It has been a long & hectic week for me.Not because I had tons of work... but because we had tons fo meeting.And after each meeting the only unanimous decision that came out was we will have another meeting ... sounds crazy .. ya it is but this is how the 90% corporates work.For the remaining 9% .. they dont attend these meeting and the 1% are those which actually make the business happen.
Guys like Jack welch or larry Elison dont need a meeting to decide on something .. they go by what is called a GUT INSTINCT ... go for it if you feel that is correct. This week was also special in the sense I met an old time school/college friend and my colleague in the early days of our struggle ....For the time we were together it ne'er felt that so many years have passed by since we had graduated from college .. everything looked so fresh as if we were iin college canteen only yesterday afternoon ...... OK OK now I wont be getting more emotional ..sob sob sob ..

Now the real things .. for the guys like me who live on cricket, the week was special .. Pakistan 's tour of India finally got underway with the first test at Mohali .As expected, the match was full of excitement right from the word go( though we got delayed in saying it due to rain god).But otherwise match was a huge swinger .Even though India was on top of the situation from the first session,Pakistan managed to hangon and secured a draw from the verge of defeat.With 6 Wkts down and just a lead of 150 odd runs and day to spare, they infact did a really good job of saving there wickets with Abdul razzaq and Akmal acting as a sheath anchor for Pakistan.They made their stumps impermeable to the Indian pacers(which failed even with the new ball to break the ice).

So far for the day.... siging off

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Mockery of Democracy

What a week it has been ... A mockery of Democracy by the Governors from Goa & Jharkhand.I am wondering why does it always happen under Congress 's regime.Does they think the Country is there personal entity and f*** the law.

Another big happening was the Budget for 2005 -06 .. can be said as moderate and only good thing that happened in so many days.
Ya how can I miss Bihar ...probably the best thing that happened in Bihar .. Laloo found his lantern getting fainter with the election results.For the first time he is struggling to get back to throne in Bihar.With Mr. Paswan deniying support to all the parties it seems that Bihar is heading for a President's Rule.

Getting back to the main subject of this blog,Mr President(who incidentally is the most appreciated person India) has summoned governor of Bihar Mr Syed to Capital to explain his stand to him.On the other hand , PM is having close door consultation with Solicitor general on the legal issues involved in appointment of Shibu Soren as CM of Jhakhand.

The Only thing that comes in the mid of aam aadmi after all this crammy politics is "Where are we heading?Does such kind of cheap games will help us in becoming a super power?Are we planning to take over the MIght of US under the leadership of ppl who have come to power by means of favours and politically motivated decisions which are triggered from 10 akbar road??"

Signing off