Thursday, April 06, 2006

Most daring animals of our planets


If you are an animal planet enthusiast , then you would definetly be able to answer this one.Which is the most daring animal on this earth.An animal which has immense courage,heart of a battle tank,confidence of George Bush and arrogance of Saddam.

No it is not Lion nor tiger nor crocodile nor hippopotamus( I swear I had typed the correct spelling of this in first attempt) .Na baba not monkey also(always thinking about our ancestors)

Well it is our own Cow.Yes dude the one that belogs to bovine family which has 4 legs ,1 tail and two horns.Hey no tongue twisting ..let me explain.

See it is very simple.Once you go out on delhi roads, you will find nothing but different kind of vehicles ,different shapes colour,different models,different brands exhausting whopping amount of smoke , blowing all sounds in the name of horn and driving recklessly.Each driver has a photo of shumacher in his car which is agarbattied before he fastens his seat belt and hits the pedal. Everyone on delhi roads is driving as people racing in F1 race.No one stops for people who want to cross roads.With blaring horns we cross pedestrains.Slowing down is a strict violation of model code of driving conduct.

In such a scenario think of a cow sitting pretty on road side adjacent to divider munching whatever she had sometime back,giving a damn to all the vehicles racing towards her.The look on her face resembles closely to that a lady sitting in her drawing room watching her favourite bahu fighting back to her saas's blitzkrieg or to that of a young lad alone at home and watching FTV. The calm on her face can easily challenge the models coming in face wash/cream advertisements. With thousands of vehicles running towards you every minute , you really need to have the guts of blue whale in you to remain seated at your place and enjoy your meal.Or walking across the roads at your leisure when the traffic is coming at great speed with there horns snarling at them.They remain unperturbed and cross the road at there will(much like our politicians by the scams that come)
That is why dude the most daring animal of our planet is COW.


Unknown said...

ya baby!

Anonymous said...

Respiratory Therapists

Anonymous said...

NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!