Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Nothing to Write

Hey ,

Well I don't have much to write today but will try to make this entry as long and as funny as possible.So here I start

I am in office .It is 7:20 PM in night.If I leave at correct time, I will be home by this time and would be enjoying porridge or something nourishing made by me mom for me.But am here.BTW I just had maggi at our cafeteria.With the onset of winters, maggi will soon be my fav food again.If served hot, it can help in soothing your sour throat, stop the tinkering in your stomach and recharge you to go out in cold for a walk.Ah I missed one important point,it is ready in 2 mins .So whenever you feel , go and get it instantly.

I have my roommate in delhi but am not able to meet him today.I came on bus today(remember JMC chartered) so going from my office to his house and then to my house without your personal conveyance in a festival season in delhi will take me more time than going to moon from earth.Am planning to meet him tomorrow provided things are smooth at office.The update on the bus is that not many people were there in the bus today and hence I had a dull day today.I was so tied up in office that I could not even sleep in afternoon after lunch.But I am not losing hope thistime.I can and will make a difference.Another good thing about coming early is I am able to meet some of my old friends who take bus from the same bus stop.So it is a small get together for us in the morning where we share jokes ,try to pull each others legs and ofcourse the routine bird watching stuff ;)(sorry can't stop that .. after all men are .. well .. men ).
I met a very old friend of mine after about 12 years.He was my neighbour for some 6 years before he moved to germany with his family.Now he is back for some formalities before he signsoff India and moves to Fatherland forever.It was a new experience for me altogether.For first 15 mins, I didn't knew how to behave.He took time to sink in that he was the same guy with whom we used to roam around, chat,fly kites,play cricket and god knows what all.Things have changed a lot since then.From being juveniles we had become more responsible and sensible(both physically and emotionally), persons capable of executing our duties.But it is also a sign of worry as it simply means that we are getting older and sooner than later we will be categoriesed in 'The Uncle' bracket.
It also means that parents start talking about your marriage and this matter comes up more frequently and the %age of exposure is more that that is for mallika.Oh this reminds Mallika's bday was yesterday and from all her fans I wish her happy bday.I seriously hope she gets bigger clothes as gifts this time and will stop wearing her childish soveniours from now.

Chalo now it is time to go home as hot food will be waiting for me

Friday, October 21, 2005

Chartered Bus to Office


I have moved from bangl to delhi about 2 months back.My home is in West Delhi but my office is in outskirts of delhi and the distance between the two is some 33 KM .I have been driving to and fro for quite some time and have got bored of this daily jehad.Everyday ,I will move my car out parking and drive it in first gear till we reach a little bigger road and from then the day starts.In the midst of honking from all kinds of vehicles ,I wil be driving my (a bit old) Maruti 800 trying to listen to some FM radio staion ,fixing my eyes on the road.I would louden the music in the car to deafen the outer noise .But still the fun part was missing in all this.
Then I heard about a bus that comes from my place to office directly."That is cool!!"I thought.But the timing of the bus was 7:30 AM in the morning.Can u imagine a guy who used to woke up at 8:30 AM need to be at the bus stop by 7:30 AM .That was an impossible thing to happen and I was by no way ready tosacrifice my priced sleep for a bus.Never.Sometime later, I was chatting to a colleague who lived closed my place and he told me that he has been coming in the same bus now & then and that bus is filled with JMC people(if u know what jmc means ;)).His words filled my head with tintinabulation.I jumped on my seat.Man am I dumbo!!I was missing all this for last two months.Not any longer.So it was decided , I will try to be coming in the bus.Rather I will be coming in the BUS.
I announced in my home that I will be going in a bus and hence will be leaving early.No one knew why/how this sudden transformation has come from.
Ok this was the background story .Now to the pivot point of this blog.Well the Bus has a route which forces it to pass from the front of the college .Two factors that are critical for girsl to be present in this bus are

1. The college is in interior and u need to walk for about 1 KM to reach there from the nearest bus stand.
2. The timing of the bus made it an undeniable offer for the students to go in it.Not to mention the cost factor that is always crucial for students(hey I have done a SWAT analysis on this topic)

The Bus is filled like anything by the students of the college.You climb into the bus and you get to see some beautiful faces and Bingo !! You have a bright day . Students of different streams come in the bus .Sometimes they sit next to you ,sometimes you sit next to them .Well all this reminds me of college days when JMC was the buzzword in our college and anyone knowing someone in that college was given a royal treatment .It was a matter of extreme prestige to know people there.And I am now feeling somewhat similar to that.

hey my college buddies if you read this ..I know a few people from JMC


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

News Channel - what to say ?


third blog in the day ..man i dont have any work isnt it .. No it is not true .I have to study lot of things J2ee arch, Perl scripts, Shell scripts and ofcourse junit .But as the grate saying goes, in IT no matter what ur deadline is there is always time for a game of TT ;)

I actually wanted to post this long time back but the compu at my home (that big box which I used to proudly call computer in my college days) is down due to some hardware issues and hence this blog is delayed.

To start with we have our huge list of news channels which promise us to keep us uptodate with the truth no matter where it happens and when it happens.On one side if we compare the scenario some 15 years back when the only source for news was Doordarshan and what we used to hear was Govt biased version of all the events.People used to eagerly wait for the time when the news will be aired( probably 8:30 pm for hindi and 9:30 pm for english news)

Then came 2002 and with it we got a monsoon of news channels of all shapes and varities.These channels highlighted the difference independent media can make were considered as one of the great revolution in the field of mass media and communication.This gave people ready access to the news as it happened.But this was just the beginning.Then came its ugly face.With so many news channels sharing the same platform, the battle became stiff.Channels fought for exclusive rights for events to increase there TRPs.The channels started claiming openly that they were the first to air an event or report an happening.The insecurity has grown to this extent that in case one news channels changes its schedule of programs,all other follow it and they make sure that similar programs/chat shows are aired at same time.

The worst to happen is the airing of crime reporters/hadsaa/khabardaar kind of programs.These programs(rather horror shows) have a presenter which by face seems to be a serial killer .The way they narate incidents is even more scarier and spooky.The script they have is pathetic and is made in a way that you become suspicious about your neighbour as soon as you listen to it.Things like murder,rape,dacoit are just raw material for them; added some spice and they are ready to be aired .I watched one such episode and I was of the feeling that there is only crime happeneing everywhere.
The icing on cake is these shows are advertised in the news channel at prime time .You would be watching russian delegation visiting India.then a break and you happen to see that horrible person shouting with all his might "Bhooliyega mat aaj raat dekhna Mandir ka poojari bana shaitaan ka poojari " or some crap.

This gives an impression that cheap journalism is taking over the featured and rich news journalism and the point of worry is that is widespread on all channels.

Another feather in this cap is the news channel ,in the race to be ahead of the others in reporting any happening, resort to falsely reporting figures/facts to public.Numerous instances of such cases can be listed here
1) One news channel made a report that some 500 people died in the quake in a particular village whereas the complete population of the village was some 250 odd.
2) Another Newspaper had this on there front page
"Karthikeyan :"I was knocked out for 30 seconds and when I regained conciousness there was fire"
While the same guy had said he was unconcious for couple of seconds

Can't say what to trust and what not to .The better idea would be to listen to many news channels and then decide whether it is true or not

take care

Bug in blogger

Hey i found a bug in the blogger's editor.you write some text in this area and then go to the bottom of the page and start selecting everything from bottom to top.once you reach top everything vanishes and you are left with a blank page

But the thing to note is you should have scroll bar on the page before you would be able to reproduce this bug.

Sorry but am tester at heart!!

Trip to Nainital II

hey ,

this is real fussy .. the blog i had put with day 2 for the trip got missing and no one knows what happened on the second day and I am in no mood to re-write it completely.So I will be a bit brief.
Second day was sunny and we got call from the hotel attendant to take advantage of this .we( a group of 7 guys) decided to go for trekking .. but by the time we moved out of hotel , I and my roommate lost contact with the rest of the group .But with the idea of the place we were targetting to reach we started and after enquiring localities we were able to reach that place ...the road to Snowview point(what we were aiming for) was rough,slippery due to 5 day rain and at places very scary.The climb was steep with the angle of elevation reaching 60 degrees sometimes ... but overall it was a good trek and made me realize how unfit I am incomparison to the localities there.

On our way back we hired a taxi who took us to different scenic places .That included Tiffin top,camel hump,Lake view and couple of other places which I dont remember .
We reached hotel,had lunch there and packed our bags for our return journey .

What i learned from all this is to copy all the content of ur blog before you press the publish button ;)